The amount of knowledge accumulated over the years and the professional quality...
The amount of knowledge accumulated over the years and the professional quality of the resources operating within its structure form the most important asset of Erross S.r.l. Indeed, we can boast a valuable team of professional engineers who work closely to assist clients in all activities pertaining to the construction, maintenance and administrative assistance of Renewable Energy systems.
The presence within Erross S.r.l. of resources operating for years in the field of Renewable Energy guarantees the highest level of service, also boosted by the long professional relationship established with major international partners.
Thanks to the competence and experience of our experts, the excellence of the tools available, we guarantee full assistence, consulting specialized and immediate, direct contacts, quick and constantly updated informations in all of scientific, technological and legal issues areas. A global and integrated service to develop the most suitable strategies to the needs of the customer.